From: Meichelle
To: April; Linda
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:48 PM
Subject: Rory ......
Well like I said earlier... Michelle put Milo down this morning.. I went with her and helped her get through it all... It was pretty sad and Michelles pretty busted up about it, but I understand... Those dogs are her life and theyre like kids to her... But thats not why Im writing lolol... Wanted to tell you what happened with Rory... Yesterday, Rory over heard me talking to Dave about Milo and how bad he was and how Michelle really should put him down, but instead she was letting him suffer and how I was going to go with her today to try and help her through this.... Well last night, Rory wanted to know what that meant, "To put him down".... So I told him how Milo was very very sick and how we needed to take him to the vet and how the vet would probably put Milo to sleep... Well Rory wanted to know what that meant... So I explained to him (gently) what that meant, to put Milo to sleep... And out of no where, Rory starts crying.... I felt soooooo bad for him... But I didnt understand why either, Rory was having this kind of reaction because he never played with Milo and he never really paid Milo much attention.... But last night he got really reallyyyyyyyy upset in the night after I put them to bed and so I went to him and just hugged him and held him and let him cry... And again, I didnt tell Rory this... but I still didnt understand why he was having such a hard time about this, yano??
Well today then... I pick them up from school and Rory says how he doesnt want to know anything about Milo until we get home... So thats ok.. I didnt talk to him about it and we pretty much came home in silence.. But when we got back here, he asked me what happened, so I told him... And right away, just like last night... he started crying really hard again.... God I felt so bad for him... It didnt dawn on me until today that Rorys never had this kind of loss before.. Hes never ever had anything die on him... So no wonder he was having this kind of reaction yano???
So I ended up having a veryyyyyyyy long talk with him about death and dying and heaven all of everything..... But before I realized what I just said there... I had told him when we got home... How Michelle did the nicest thing ever by letting Milo go to Heaven... And that helped, but it didnt really phase him too much.... He still cried really hard... Thats when it dawned on me..... "Duh Meichelle"..... So after that hit me.. I asked him........ "What do you think happens to someone when they die?" And Rory said......"They go away and you never ever see them again"..... Awww.. So I told him no, thats not true... some people, like me..... believe in reincarnation.... And I explained to him on his level... What reincarnation is.... And they can come back ... And I explained to him too... That when people die, they dont really die... They go to Heaven.... That their souls go to heaven.... And it was too cute.... You should have seen the look on his face!! He was all perplexed about this idea of mine haha..... If you could have seen him just sitting there with this look of "Wtf man..." hehe..... But then he had LOTS of questions about death and dying and what happens and what happens in heaven and he even asked me if you can eat in heaven and all this stuff.... It was entirely wayyyyyyyy too cute and I got a HUGE kick out of allllllll of him and everything he wanted to know... You name it, he asked it.... He wanted to know if your soul could come back as a soul and visit your family and your friends and I said yes... Oh and he had questions about ghosts too, why are there ghosts.... He wanted to know if you were big and fat here, if you'd still be big and fat in heaven or if a big person wanted to be skinny, if they'd be skinny in heaven haha.. I told him "yes!" hehe... He wanted to know if people ever remembered being in heaven and I said probably... But most of us forget what its like in heaven when we're born and we're babies and we have to re-learn everything all over again..... It was soooo damn cute guys... I bet we talked for two hours haha... He had a hard time at first understanding the physical from the non physical... I explained to him this way... How our bodies are like batteries that you put into toys... And that our souls are energy inside our bodies... And that when that energy is in Heaven like that... That we dont have our physical form like we do here because we dont need it... So he wanted to know why we didnt need our bodies then... So I told him thats because when we're in heaven... We dont need them like we do here... So our energy can float around and do what it wants to do and go where it wants to go... And then he wanted to know if when we were in Heaven, if we still knew what we knew now.... So I told him yes.... That once we're in heaven, we'll finally get to know all the answers to the questions in the world..
But now he's fine... I told him that its ok to be sad that Milo wasnt around now, but now that Milo's soul was in heaven.. That he was able to do anything he wanted now, because he wasnt sick any more.. and that he'd be happy and not confined to all that bad yucky sickness that was hurting him so much here.... And Rory says to me.... "Yano Mom.. I think I believe in reincarnation..... I like that..... And I like that when you get to heaven, that you can do anything at all in the world that you want to do... It sounds like a really great place to be" ........More awwwwwww!!!........ Then he said how he couldnt wait to get there *gasp* hehe... But I told him that yeah I couldnt wait to get back to Heaven either, but theres a catch.. You gotta die first haha... That cracked him up hehe.... So then I asked him what death meant to him now after we talked about all this.... And he said... "It means your soul leaves your body, and you go to heaven and you get to do everything in the world you want to do and know all the answers to all the questions in the whole wide world and you're happy, but you can come back to visit your family when you want to and nothing can hurt you or make you sad"..... I looked at him and hugged him and said.... "Im sooooo proud of you!!"
Oh yeah... After all of that and our convo... He says to me... "Doesnt Michelle know about Heaven??" And I told him yeah.. Michelle knows about heaven... So he says to me then....
"Well then if she knows about heaven.... Whys she so upset???? I would think she would be happy that her dog got to go to such a cool place" LMFAO!! I told him that shes just sad that he's not around and that some people... Even grown ups... Dont always realize what I just told him and how things really are.. And then he said.... "Well you should tell them the way it is then Mom... Cause now I know it the way you know it and its all really cool and no one should ever be sad that someone dies"...... Awwwww..... Its a convo I wont ever forget hehe