Friday, September 23, 2011

What is your choice today??

"Vanity is a product of the mind. Happiness is a product of the heart. Mankind, due to pride, vanity, obtains power, money and prestige but in the end it’s all an illusion, the illusion created in this world not in the heavens above. I can tell you now all the illusions of this world will not necessarily bring you the happiness that you strive so much to have. The Happiness only you will feel when a true connection within the heart is made.

True Happiness is waiting for those who can connect, receiving power from Above. This energy itself is already an example of the immense happiness that a human can achieve. God’s pure unconditional Love!" -Lidia Frederico

From Mei: I have noticed as of late, that a lot of young people on my page have been wondering when "true love" will come into their life.. I feel the pull to make mention of a few things and my hope is that you the reader, can take this to heart when considering a want of a relationship...

These are things that I share with my own children... My initial rudimentary impression is that first and foremost, that a person needs to feel good about themselves to begin with.. You must understand that looks are not everything. Whether it be with yourself, or another person. You are *never* too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, or too imperfect..

If the person you love does not respect nor love you at your worst, he or she does not deserve you at your best. Think about this!

You must never loose sight of yourself in a relationship. It starts with you first. Be happy with yourself first. You must understand that there are a lot of frogs to kiss first before you find your "prince" or "princess".. And out of those "frogs" are learnings of how and what you want and or need within a true relationship. All relationships, whether the out come is "good or bad" are learning processes. However, a true relationship will *never* ask you to be someone or something you arent. You should never change for another person, if there is change, it is change within yourself and for you. Never change for another being.

At the other end of the scale.. Never assume that you can change the other person. You will never be able to change another person no matter how hard you try. So the ones that happen into a "bad" relationship and stay because they keep hope that that they can "change" the other person, rethink your thought process. Remember, you can only change yourself. You can help another only when they want help. If they do not want help, or change, they will eventually resent you.

Sparkle unto yourself always! Respet your body and your mind!! If you do not respect your own body and your own mind, no one else will either. Use your mind to completely think things through before you do anything with your body first. Infatuations are just that, infatuation.. It will eventually fade.. When it does fade, who are you left with??

Anger is most always misplaced hurt.

When you find yourself angry at another, examine why you are angry not only with the action of the other person, but why it resonates with you to begin with. Quite normally, when we judge others, we are judging ourselfs. This is a common natural human law. Usually if you are judging another, there is something within you that you are not happy with that you find fault in another person. Again, I repeat, it all begins with you.

I have to go back to the "infatuation" comment briefly. People who base who they are, by what they look like, please remember, that looks also fade within time. The beauty of you must and always should start inside. If you are beautiful on the inside, you will remain beautiful on the outside. But if you are basing your looks as beauty, and your inside is ugly, you will always remain "ugly" until you change your thought process. But along the way, be beautiful for yourself! Not for others! This is where unconditional love starts. Love yourself unconditionally, and you will find love unconditionally. If you put wealth of happiness based on looks, you will *always* be disapointed.

Weath... Be weathy unto you. Do no base happiness on the material items you possess.. If you can not share material items, material items will own you. No one cares if you have a the fastest car, the biggest flat screen tv, the grand house, the name brand shirt you own. What people care about is what you are like on the inside. Always share.

If you possess jealousy unto another for the things that they have vs the things that you have, you will never be truly happy and always trying to please others for the sake of the grandular material items. When a person dies, no one remembers what they have owned. They remember what a person did, how they lived their life, and how kind and or generous they were.

Again on the opposite sale, if you are mean, irritable, grouchy, or rude... That too, will be remembered.

Watch your thoughts. Thoughts become things. If you are constantly at battle with another, and continue to fight with others and can not turn the other cheek for the sake of your own pride, please re-think your thought process. If you can not turn the other cheek, and walk away, then you are part of the problem and are not making progress to help the situation

Never be too thin skinned. People can be mean. Period. Some can be so self absorbed and indignant that they can not see beyond the scope of their own noses. These are the people that we should love and leave. Do not accept this behavior, do not be part of the problem, do not be an enabler. Remember your own values, ethics and be your own morals.

Dont be a "hater"... Again.. I repeat all over again.. It begins and ends with you. If you put out "hate", "hate" will find you back. It is the threefold effect of life. If you are miserable, you will find misery, if you are sad, you will find sadness. If you are angry, you will find anger. Remember, it cycles, but it starts with you. It can end with you as well. We all have choices. Choose the best ones.

Relationships are *never* easy. We all make mistakes. It is inevitable. Remember forgiveness. Be kind to one another.

You can and will find the relationship of your dreams eventually. Take little baby steps to get there. Remember beauty fades, you can not take material items with you when you die and that you must start by loving yourself first. Do not loose sight of yourself, your being, within a relationship, start by being good to you. Love others for who they are, not by what they might represent in life. And lastly, always remember and never forget.. We are human.. Forgive yourself and others for the mistakes that happen along the way. Today is just for today. You will never have this moment back. The mistakes you make now may haunt you later. Enjoy life and all who are in it with you. If you can not, then make a conscious choice to revise and edit.

Remember that we all possess free will and choice...

Count your blessings..

Love the people around you. Dont be beautiful because you want something, be beautiful because you can...

Always it starts and ends with you... What is your choice today??


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