For as long as I can remember, I've always had intuitive dreams. People, places, things.. All come to me in dreams. Not every dream mind you. But from time to time. Ive started my own private dreaming journal on my hard drive, that I will not post here. I may in time decide to add a dream in here if I am called to do it.
A lot of poeple have asked me how this works and to be honest with you, Im not exactly sure myself. I do know that there are differences from when Im dreaming just to dream, and when Im dreaming and receiving information.
When I am dreaming and getting information from The Uppers, the dream is crystal clear. There is no doubt, and there is no wonder if this is a precognition dream. Its an awareness of my surroundings. They are very rich and lavish right down to the very detail, smells and sounds. Its knowing that I am dreaming. Sometimes I get very specific symbols in dreams, other times I may get a passed on loved one that has a message for another person, or for myself. These dreams stand out profusely. I can not begin to tell you just how many dreams I have had that have come true in some form or the other.
Quite normally if I have one of these dreams I jump from bed to computer and write them down immediately, sometimes I send them out to the people that they belong to. Sometimes I send them to a few people at one time because Im not exactly sure who it is for, only that it is meant for someone.. So rather than leave anyone out, I send them out to everyone in my list of contacts.
People have also asked me how to begin trying to do this also. The best answer I can give someone who is looking to do this is to start writing every dream down that you can remember. Keep a dream diary of sorts and leave no tid bit out. Sometimes the smallest tid bit is the most important. And like I tell everyone, sometimes if you are dreaming about an Elephant walking in tall grass, carrying a peanut... The dream could be the elephant...... It could be the tall grass... Or it could be about the peanut.
When I am doing dream interpretation for another person, I take out what "feels" the strongest to me. Sometimes its the peanut, sometimes its the elephant. It all depends on the person. I also ask myself questions. The most important question I ask is, "Who is this dream for?" The person that first pops into your head is the one that the dream is for. However, if you're like me, you know so many people that it can be confusing. Thats when I'll end up sending the dream out to everyone on my list, but oftentimes I do know who the dream is for.
Remote viewing...
There has been a time or two that I have dreampt of far away places. Eygpt, Europe, The Holy Lands.. Sometimes when I lived far away from my parents I would dream of being with them. This is what I call remote viewing.
Remote viewing is as described in Wikipedia; "Remote viewing (RV) is the purported ability to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra-sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance"
Some people can do this through meditation. Some people can do this through dreaming. There are a view ways of being able to remote view. It happens within the deep Theta and deep Delta Level of your dream. (or meditation). In order to get there one has to be exceptionally open to the topic. Just like dreams and dream interpretation, you should try to keep a remote viewing journal/diary as well. And be patient. Nothing comes at the drop of a hat.
If you're going to do this through mediation, I would suggest that you pick a place that is very common to you. Some place that has very strong and bold features. And by all means, keep trying.
Which brings me to astral projection.
Much like remote viewing, Astral projection is another form of out of body projection. As defined by Wikipedia; Astral projection (or astral travel) is an esoteric interpretation of any form of out-of-body experience (OOBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it.[1] Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.
They are both very much one in the same as you can tell from the definintions. For me, I can normally tell the difference between the two when dreaming. Astral projection for me is like floating in the area that Im in. I can be there and not be seen. Lets not HollyWood this. In fact, let me touch lightly on this topic..
What you see in movies is just that.... In movies. HollyWood has portrayed the psychic and the intiutive all in the wrong light and really makes it tough for the real folks out there that these things happen to. HollyWood is just that... HollyWood. There might be bits and half truths to what they are doing in the movie, but chances are you will not fly through the air like a ghost in the movie Scrooge and go to these places by the touch of a Ghostly apparition. Its just not going to happen folks! Yes there are tiny bits that are true. But no, most of it is just that, HollyWood.
So what you see in movies or on TV, please take with a grain of salt. Yes it would be lovely to blow up an ex-spouse or a horrible person by just flipping your fingers out at them, blowing them up and wiggling your nose to have them desperse away for ever more! But it just does not work like that! So put all those thoughts away right now and continue on with what Im trying to explain.
Dreams for many of us are our sub conscience way of dealing with our day to day reality and reviving the mind and body. Psychic dreams are (for me anyway) the way to reach another and either forwarn them, or elate them, or possibly both. Its tricky business and the interpretation is not always the same for each and every person. Some poeple come to me to have their dreams interpreted because they themselves can not figure it out for one reason or the other.
Ask yourself while you're writing your dream journal these questions as well..
What were you feeling at the time of your dream?
What were you thinking?
Where you afraid, happy or confused or all of the above??
These are just a few examples to start you up.
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