Wednesday, April 28, 2010


1) Laughter is the thing that makes us human.
2) Laughter is the most direct path to self peace.
3) Laughter is fun unless you're drinking a diet coke at the time.

How to find your Spirituality~

I get asked this all the time... "Meichelle, am I on the right Path? -- Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing?" and "How do I find my Spirituality?"

The answer my friends is this: Yes. Simple as that... Yes, you are on the right path. Yes you are where you should be.. Right here... Right now... Right this very moment.

When I talk of Spirituality, I am not just talking about religion. Religion is only but a part of Spirituality. Spirituality is on a much bigger plane.. Spirituality to me, is The Universe.. That God source that lives within each and every of us. That full blown energy of all energies... After all.. We are all energies in and of ourselves and in and of the God source.

In order to find the God source within yourself.. You must look inside. Look deep within yourself.. After all.. You know *you* better than anyone does. Its that life force.. That conscious knowing.. That "gut" feeling.

Ask yourself this.... What fits for you? What doesnt fit?? One of my motto's when it concerns this is: "Take what you need, leave the rest behind". Meaning... Take what fits for you.. And if it doesnt fit, if it doesnt feel right to you... Then its not for you. That doesnt mean its wrong.. Or that you're wrong.. Or that the next person is wrong. It means simply, it doesnt fit for you. Nothing wrong with that.

There is no right and wrong ways to be Spiritual. What works for you, may not work for someone else and vise versa. Its being in tune with yourself.. And in being in tune with yourself and your inner self... That Balance... You will find your inner soul. Let me make this clear... Spirituality doesnt happen over night. Sometimes it takes weeks, months, years... To get to a place where you feel absolutely comfortable with yourself and your inner being... Or for some, making peace with that inner brat.

However, it is absolutely essential to be in tune with your inner self. Once you can be in tune with your own energies, it allows you to be in tune with the God Source energy... Make sense??

This can not happen without you doing any sort of "homework" on yourself... This can not happen if you dont look, if you dont try.. If you dont put the work into it.. This is work my friends.. Its working on our souls to advance to the next higher level.

And there are levels.. Levels of awareness.. Levels of Spiritual awareness. Some find it early on in life.. Right off the bat, others take a long time to find it.. Still others may never find it. The ones that do not find it ever, are the ones that are not true to themselves and or to their God Source. Nothing wrong with that either... So long as they are comfortable with it. As I said, there are not right and wrong ways.

But you can not wish for something so hard and not put work into it. You can not pray for something so hard and expect it to be handed to you.. If this was the case, then every one would have those winning lottery numbers. What Im saying is if you want it, theres got to be appreciation for it in some way. God.. Or The Universe.. Is not going to give you something if you didnt appreciate it. It doesnt work like that.

Even in our hardest moments... As much as we dont like that particular lesson.. One must some how walk away with some type of appreciation.. After all, no matter how hard the moment.. They are still all lessons. And just because something doesnt work out, or you have a bad day, or if someone says something that you disagree with... You still learn from that do you not?? You learn not just from that bad day.. But you learn other things as well..

Lets take this deeper.. If say, for example.. You're having a bad day.. And you walk away with it feeling... Well Ive learned not to do such and such or I learned not to trust or not do or whatever the case may be...

Look further. Take a step back and ask yourself... "Why did that happen to begin with? What is the silver lining in this? Why did it make me feel the way that it did??" In good or bad for that matter. Learning to appreciate everything, come what may.. Is giant.. Not just appreciating the little things.. But appreciating everything. The All of everything. Appreciate waking up in the morning, appreciate the air you breath, appreciate the life that you have, the loves that are in your life.. And yes... Even the losses... Even the hardships...

Hardships are there to make one stronger. A lot of people dont understand this. You cant teach... What you do not know... In other words... If you have not been at that place to begin with... How can you help another?? Also..... When we are struggling.. That is when we are learning the most. If we did not have that struggle, we wouldnt get anything out of it. If you're handed $100 you appreciate being handed $100.. But if you work for it, and you deserve it.. Then you appreciate it even more so. Make sense?? If you can appreciate the little things, it makes you appreciate the bigger things even more so.

So I guess what Im saying here is in part to be Spiritual, and to find your Spiritual path... One must A) Work for your desires.. B) Look at everything, appreciate everything, even your losses and C) Learn to love yourself...

Asalam Alakim my friends...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Meditation - April 12, 2010

Meditation April 12, 2010

I meditated today for a long length of time.. And when I do this to connect to the Uppers, what I envision is a big heavy wooden door, and around the door is ivy and such... And for whatever reasons, it floats... When I pull back the door, inside is an all white/silver large room, with one door on either side of the far end of the room... There are also 4 large white pillars that create a sort of a hallway so to speak... The floor is lined with bright white Ivory tile... And in the middle of the room is a podium that over looks several rows of white bench like alter seats... Behind the seats is a very very large sort of bay window.. That if I were to look out of... I could see the purple Universe and all its very colorful energies there.... Normally I walk to the podium and I ask for my guides to come to me.. And this is what I did today when I approached it..

This time when I did.... Four Uppers appeared through the door this time... All in white, all male and female alike... They were dressed in long flowing white gowns... Faceless but full of love and happiness... With bright white aura’s... I could feel love radiating through them all as they surrounded me... They felt a lot like warm sunshine in my face on a nice summer day... And they were happy that I asked for them to come today... I waited and quietly laid down with them surrounding me... All together they were there, they felt and warm and caring and eager to talk with me...

My first message was "Trust" ...... Trust in myself and who I am... My second message was "Healing"... That I had been brought to a place of emotional healing and that it was going to become stronger and better and that the people in my life were there to also learn "healing".. Through myself with them, they asked for me to "heal".. I accepted the offer... My question to them today tho was "what is my real name?" ..... They responded, "Meichelle -- Who is God Like".... And I said no... That is not what I mean... What is my souls name... And one came closer to me than the others... And he said.... "Ona"...... I asked him then, "Who is Ona?" And he said, "Ona is you - Favored Grace"....

So after staying there with them a long time... Just feeling calm and loved and being in their presence and vise versa and letting my mind expand and just “be“. with them.. I came out of the meditation and I looked up online, just now... What the name "Ona" meant.... And very much to my surprise... Was this:

Origin: Hebrew Meaning; Grace; favor
Origin: Latin Meaning; Grace; favor
Origin; Sanskrit Meaning; Grace
Origin   Sanskrit

Used in: Lithuanian speaking countries

Also while meditating, the Uppers spoke a few other things... “You are Loved” and to “Share this” ... And that Dave and I were brought together for emotional healing. That we were meant to be together for these reasons. To be gentle with one another and to trust one another.. That it was a good thing for both of us.

I also got pictures in my mind from the Uppers of purple swirls that went into the shapes of stars .. And I also got pictures of the new house and of Eagles flying high.... I also seen the kids playing and running around at the new property.. And that we were happy, all of us...

The four Uppers said that they were there to also heal my back... And I asked them also if they could help me stop smoking too, and they said that I was not ready to stopping smoking but in time, when I was ready, that they would be there to help me along the way.

At the very very end it was only the 5 of us.... Them standing around me radiating love and compassion.. Encircling me in bright white light that didnt hurt my eyes .. They told me when I awoke from the meditation to be careful, that I might feel light headed for awhile because they were visiting with me... And just like that, they were gone.

When I opened my eyes out of the meditation, I did feel a bit light headed but made sure to pass along the message they had “You are Loved” to Dave and to Cindy. I felt a strong pull that these two especially needed to hear these words...